The Dream Daughter
Available: October 2, 2018
I know - I should have had this review in weeks ago but I took my only child, my daughter to college in mid-August and thought that this book would be too emotional for me to read right then so I decided to wait...
I could have waited a lifetime to read it and it still would have captured the essence of being a mother, a captured my soul. While I write this with tears still in my eyes from finishing the book - I know this is one of the best books I have read in 2018.
Sure, the concept is a little out there and I wasn't sure if I would like it but Diane Chamerlain's signature writing style enthralled me and I couldn't put the book down - yet I didn't want to finish it.
Its a beautiful story of a mother's love for her child and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to experience it.
I think I need to go Face Time my daughter now...
Overall Grade: A