The Nowhere Child
Available: January 22, 2019
Thank you to for an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
I hate snakes. Hate them with an absolute passion. How I got through the climatic ending is a mystery (okay - so I skimmed some parts - shoot me).
I loved the premise of this book - Its an amazing, original concept and kudos for the author for the plot. I thought the climactic ending was terrific - the plot twists were jaw dropping.
What I thought was missing was a little more dimension from the characters. I would see glimmers of depth with Jack and with Kim at times but everyone else.... it was just a flat surface. Where was the true inner turmoil of Kim finding out she wasn't who she thought she was? Where was the anger? Where was trying to find the balance between the old and the new parts of her life?
But - the ending makes the book all worth it.
Overall Grade: B